Is The Only Faith That Has A Living Saviour
Who voluntarily laid down His Life and shed His blood on the Cross of Calvary,
so that those who put their faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ,
knowing they will have their sins washed away by His precious Divine blood.
Is The Only Faith That Has A Living Saviour
Who voluntarily allowed the cords of death to bind Him in the grave,
knowing cords of death could only bind Him for three days,
for on the third day He arose victor over death, the grave, and Hell.
Is The Only Faith That Has A Living Saviour
Who promised to those who put their trust in Him,
that He will ransom them from the power of the grave,
and redeem them from the cords of death.
Is The Only Faith That Has A Living Saviour
Who promised that He would swallow up death in victory,
Who promised that He would destroy the grave.
Who promised He would wipe away all tears.
Is The Only Faith That Has A Living Saviour
Who promised to those who put their trust in Him,
the cords of death have no power over those alive in Christ,
when He calls His own from the grave to be with Him.
Is The Only Faith That Has A Living Saviour
Who promised to those who put their trust in Him,
that are alive and remain will be caught up when,
the trumpet sounds to be together with those from the grave.
Is The Only Faith That Has A Living Saviour
Who promises in the New Heaven and earth,
that there will be mansions and streets of Gold,
that there will be no more sorrow or tears,
that there will be no more death or graves.