I must go on alone even though the winds of adversity blow hard.
I must go on alone even though the winds of loneliness blow hard,
serving my Precious Saviour to whatever and wherever He may call.
Yet I must go on alone without my Stedfast Mary as my helpmate,
I must go on alone even though the waves of loneliness overcome me,
and they seem to mount with ever-increasing fury each passing day,
who has found rest for her weary soul in her beautiful eternal home.
Yet I must go on alone without my Stedfast Mary as my helpmate,
I must go on alone even though the rains of loneliness never seem to stop,
rather they seem to mount with ever-increasing downpour each passing day.
for she now waits in her eternal home in heaven for that glorious resurrection morn.
Yet I must go on alone without my Stedfast Mary as my helpmate,
Even though the storms of adversity rage, may blow hard against me.
Even though the storms of distresses rage, may blow hard against me.
Even though the storms of infirmities rage, they seem to overcome me.
Yet I know the storms will be over because Thy Holy Word tells me so.
Because Thy Holy Word tells me so for I am not alone in these storms of life,
for my hand is held by that nail-scarred hand, the hand of my Precious Saviour.
I know He will lead me safely through the darkest storms of life.
Because my trust is in Him for He knows the way.
Oh! What Peace floods my soul as I walk with my Lord through life’s storm.
Oh! What Love floods my soul as I walk with my Lord through life’s storm.
Oh! What Grace floods my soul as I walk with my Lord through life’s storm.
Oh! What Mercy floods my soul as I walk with my Lord through life’s storm.
Oh! Yes, I know for certainty that someday the storms will be over for His Holy Word tells me so,
For His Holy Word tells me that Mary and I will be together in His Holy Presence in His Heaven,
in the presence of our Lord God Almighty who saw us through the storms of life together and apart.
Praising His Holy and Precious Name for His Grace, His Love, His Mercy, and His Strength.