Home Truth • A Fruit Bearer For Christ

A Fruit Bearer For Christ


“I am the True Vine,” “Ye are the branches,” saith the Lord.

My own purchased by My atoning Divine blood, “Ye are my branches.”

By My Word, Thus saith the Lord, “Ye are clean branches.”

You can do nothing except ye abide in me, thus saith the Lord.

The husbandman is my “Heavenly Father,” thus saith His Son.

Who so tenderly cares for each one of my branches, saith the Lord.

and prune a branch when it begins to run to leaf bearing little fruit.

and to purge a branch that is diseased bearing very little fruit.

“Ye are my branches,” abide in me thus saith the Lord Jesus Christ.

Running to leaf with cares of this present world bears little fruit,

cast off the cares this world, and abide in me and bear much fruit.

if ye abide not in me, judgment awaits, for bearing little fruit.

Ye are my branches,” abide in me thus saith the Lord Jesus Christ.

Let not unconfessed sin break the tie, and bear little fruit.

Purge thyself daily, with my Word, abide in me, and bear much fruit.

If ye abide not in me, judgment awaits, for bearing little fruit.

Ye are my branches,” abide in me thus saith the Lord Jesus Christ.

Abide in my Words, and then thou shalt be blessed with thy desires.

“Abide in me,” saith the Lord, and thou shalt bear much fruit,

all for the glory of God the Father in Heaven.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith

Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.Galatians 5:22-23

In Truth
