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The Destinies Of Mans Resurrections


The Spoken Words of God’s Son Are Settled In Heaven.

Saying he that believeth on Me hath everlasting life and shall not die.

Saying he that believeth not on Me hath eternal condemnation,

and shall not see life only the torments of the Lake of Fire

The Spoken Words of God’s Son Are Settled In Heaven.

Saying these words, Marvel not the hour is coming,

when all of mankind who are in the graves will hear my voice,

whether it is under the sea, or below the earth will come forth.

The Spoken Words of God’s Son Are Settled In Heaven.

Saying these words some unto to the resurrection of life,

many will come forth. “unto the resurrection of damnation.”

It is your free will choice my dear friend for God lets you decide.

The Spoken Words of God’s Son Are Settled In Heaven.

Will it be your choice to hear on Resurrection morn soon to come?

To hear the voice of the archangel inviting you into heaven,

to hear the trumpet of God calling you before the judgment seat.

To hear the shout of the Lord  “saying come up hither.”

To come forth from the grave unto the resurrection of life,

in a glorified body like the Lord Jesus Christ and live forever in Heaven.

The Spoken Words of God’s Son Are Settled In Heaven.

My dear friend if you reject God’s Son as your Saviour.

sad to say, “the resurrection of damnation awaits you.

You will stand before God at the Great White Throne Judgment Seat,

there the books will be opened and you will be judged from them.

If your name is not written in the book of life in the blood of Jesus,

my dear friend you are destined for the Lake of Fire to be tormented for all eternity.
