Home Faithful, Redeemed • Kept In His Holy Name

Kept In His Holy Name


Kept In His Holy Name Brings Peace In Life’s Storms

To the soul of His own, whose heart is troubled,

as the winds of betrayal whirls around one of His own.

He finds peace for His soul in His Holy Precious Name.

Kept In His Holy Name Brings Love In Life’s Storms

To the soul of His own, whose heart is troubled,

as the winds of false love whirls around one of His own.

He finds true love in His Holy Precious Name.

Kept In His Holy Name Brings Grace In Life’s Storms

To the soul of His own, whose heart is troubled,

as the winds of pride whirls around one of His own.

He finds Grace to walk humbly in His Holy Precious Name.

Kept In His Holy Name Brings Strength In Life’s Storms

To the soul of His own, whose heart is troubled,

as the winds of destruction whirls around one of His own.

He finds strength to be faithful in His Holy Precious Name.

Kept In His Holy Name Brings Hope In Life’s Storms

To the soul of His own, whose heart is troubled,

as the winds of despair whirls around one of His own.

He finds blessed hope in His Holy Precious Name.

Kept In His Holy Name Brings Mercy In Life’s Storms

To the soul of His own, whose heart is troubled,

as the winds of falsehoods whirls around one of His own.

He finds mercy to those who are spreading falsehoods in His Holy Precious Name.

Kept In His Holy Name Brings Faith In Life’s Storms

To the soul of His own, whose heart is troubled,

as the winds of false faith whirls around one of His own.

He finds true faith in His Holy Precious Name
