Home God • Like The Days Of Noah (1)

Like The Days Of Noah (1)


Man Is Destroying What God Made from Clay

Breathing into man the breath of life,

creating a Garden where He placed man to stay,

to tend the Garden with loving care,

a Garden filled with plant life.

Man Is Destroying What God Made from Clay

Man disobeyed God there in the Garden,

and ate of the tree of Knowledge.

God judged man for his sin and he returned to clay,

and death passed upon all men and he was driven from the Garden.

Man Is Destroying What God Made from Clay

In the days of Noah man become so very evil,

God said He would destroy man whom He made from clay.

But God saw that Noah was righteous in God’s eyes,

and He told Noah to build an ark to save some of His Creation.

Man Is Destroying What God Made from Clay

God caused a great flood to cover all the earth,

drowning all men whom He made from clay and His creation,

except Noah and seven souls and His creation, God saved in the ark,

to repopulate the earth with man and His saved creation.

Man Is Destroying What God Made from Clay

Today is like the days of Noah.

God’s cup of wrath is overflowing with man’s sins and,

soon God’s wrath is going to be poured out on those wicked men,

Then God is going to burn up this present earth and heaven.

and then He will create a new heavens and earth and,

then He will repopulate the earth with those, whom God has saved,

through His Son the Lord Jesus Christ.

In God
