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Who Is Going To Take Our Place?


Who is going to take my place weeps my soul?

As I meditate in prayer on the message, I heard,

from the heart of thy faithful servant last night,

preaching on “My son give me thine heart,” Proverbs 21:26

Who is going to take my place weeps my soul?

As I meditate on the words, I heard spoken tonight,

by thy faithful servant from his heart to his people,

saying who will give their heart to the Lord?

Who is going to take my place weeps my soul?

My heart was broken when the plea went unanswered,

my soul weeps for those who give lip service to the One,

who laid His all on the Altar of the Cross.

Who is going to take my place weeps my soul?

As I pray for His strength and for His Grace each day,

to strengthen my faltering steps and weakened body,

to do what I can do as I lay my all on the altar of service.

Who is going to take my place weeps my soul?

Is there not a young man, middle-aged man or the age of 91, which I am,

who will say from the depths his heart “I will take your place.”

“I will lay my all on the altar of service as my Lord gave His all.”

Who is going to take her place weeps my soul?

Who is going to take my faithful Mary’s place weeps my soul,

is there not a young girl, a young lady, middle-aged lady or a widow.

Who will say from the depths of her heart “I will take her place.”

“I will lay my all on the altar of service as my Lord gave His all.”

Who is going to take our place weeps my soul?

Is there not a couple who will take our place my soul cries out in anguish.

We answered the call at the age of 47, my faithful Mary went home at the age of 79,

I am 91 now and I am still serving in a wheel chair keeping the city map records for my church,

is there not a couple that will answer the call to serve our Lord wherever He may call,

soon this poor lisping stammering tongue will lie silent in the grave never again saying,

who will answer the call?
