How Many? “O My Lord”! Weeps My Soul In Prayer,
will hear from heaven on Resurrection morn,
the shout of My Lord, and the trumpet of judgment,
and the voice of the archangel on resurrection morn.
How Many? “O My Lord”! Weeps My Soul In Prayer,
will hear whose mortal remains are now earthbound,
the shout of My Lord saying, “Come Up” on Resurrection morn,
and come forth from their graves in their new glorified bodies.
How Many? “O My Lord”! Weeps My Soul In Prayer,
will hear who are alive and remain on this present earth,
the shout of My Lord saying, “Come Up” on Resurrection morn,
and in a twinkling of an eye be robed in a new glorified body.
How Many? “O My Lord”! Weeps My Soul In Prayer,
will hear the joyous voice of My Lord on Resurrection morn,
saying to all His glorified Saints on that resurrection morn,
“Come Up” meet me in the air and be with me evermore.
How Many? “O My Lord”! Weeps My Soul In Prayer,
it is not your place to know whispers My Lord to my weeping soul,
your place is to tell others of that resurrection morn soon to come,
so that they too will hear “My Glorious Shout” on resurrection morn.