The Dark Hours Of Humiliation So Willed By God.
Had come upon God’s only begotten Son Jesus Christ.
Where vile wicked men would vent their entire pent up wrath upon God’s Son,
little did they know it was God Himself incarnate in Jesus Christ.
They Only Knew Jesus Christ Claimed He Was From God.
This caused these vile wicked men to vent all their hatred towards God’s Son.
For three year’s they had been put in their place repeatedly by God’s Son.
God’s Son had been betrayed in the Garden and His own had forsaken Him.
Yet He Opened Not His Mouth In The Dark Hours Of Humiliation.
When they bound His hands in fetters as an imposter in the Garden and led Him away.
They blindfold Him, and with their fists struck Him on the face repeatedly until,
His eyes were closed, His nose was blooded, and His face was so swollen until,
His visage was so marred more than any man and his form more than the sons of man were.
As these vile wicked men poured out all their pent up fury from the past three years.
Yet He Opened Not His Mouth In The Dark Hours Of Humiliation.
When they crowned His Scared head with a fashioned Crown of Thorns.
With all their pent up fury they smote the inch long thorns with a reed.
Repeatedly they struck Him until rivulets of blood streamed down into His beard.
Matted with heathen spittle from the mouths of wicked vile men.
As these vile wicked men poured out all their pent up fury from the past three years.
Yet He Opened Not His Mouth In The Dark Hours Of Humiliation.
When they stripped His garments to the waist and lashed his hands to a whipping post.
Then they took a Roman whip of nine tails laced with broken glass, and jagged pieces of iron and bone,
and scourged Him with 39 lashes and with every stroke of the whip His flesh was torn to bloody shreds.
As these vile wicked men poured out all their pent up fury from the past three years.
Yet He Opened Not His Mouth In The Dark Hours Of Humiliation.
When those wicked men mocked Him and spat in His face repeatedly and stripped,
of His bloody garments and placed a purple robe upon and bowed their knee,
saying, “Behold the King of the Jews” as they faced a crowd who cried Crucify Him.
As these vile wicked men poured out all their pent up fury from the past three years.
Yet He Opened Not His Mouth In The Dark Hours Of Humiliation.
The one and only true God could have opened His mouth and called,
legions of angels down and destroyed whom he so will but He did not.
We owe our Saviour our God a debt of gratitude that we can never pay.
But we can love Him with all our heart and serve Him with all our soul until we are called home.