It Is There At Gods Throne Of Grace
Where I knelt before the throne of God’s Grace and,
was delivered from God’s dark Cloud of condemnation.
I came as a black hearted sinner led by the Holy Ghost.
Clothed in the filthy rags of my own self-righteousness.
It Is There At Gods Throne Of Grace
Where I knelt before the throne of God’s Grace realizing
that I was nothing more than a dirty wicked black hearted,
sinner knowing I fell far, far short of God’s glorious ways,
and I could do nothing to save myself from the Lake of Fire.
It Is There At Gods Throne Of Grace
Where I knelt before the throne of God’s, Grace that,
I cried out for God s love, grace, and mercy for I knew I
was a sinner, and could not save myself, then God in his mercy held
out his Golden Scepter of forgiveness and made me a new creature in Christ.
It Is There At Gods Throne Of Grace
Where I knelt before the throne of God’s Grace that,
God offered to me His most precious gift “The Gift of Eternal Life,”
like a beggar with all humility I reached up and received that free gift,
now I know I have passed from the second death to life eternal.
It Is There At Gods Throne Of Grace
Where I kneel daily before the throne of God’s Grace, where,
I confess my sins with a broken spirit and contrite heart,
seeking forgiveness of my daily sins knowing in my heart, He
will forgive me so we may have sweet communion in His Word.
It Is There At Gods Throne Of Grace
Where I kneel daily before the throne of God’s Grace, where,
i come to sit at His feet to listen with rapt in His Holy,
precious Word of His glorious truths, hidden in His Precious Word,
of His glorious ways as we walk towards the golden shores of Heaven.